
What's in it for me?

When you become a member, you get the following benefits: 

  • Exposure to Agri Gauteng training and development programmes 
  • Discounted rates on selected products / services. 
  • Voting rights granted at the annual Agri Gauteng Congress. 
  • Financial aid and business proposal/plan channel information. 
  • Receiving regular updates, newsletters end events information relating to the  agricultural sphere. 
  • Exposure to different farming methods and farming opportunities.
How do I become a member?

Standard membership

  1. Large Farming Enterprise (Turnover above R3 600 000 up to R10 000 000)  Membership fee: R11 000 per year
  2. Medium Farming Enterprise (Turnover R1 000 000 up to R3 600 000) Membership fee: R5 750 per year
  3. Small Farming Enterprise (Turnover less than R1 000 000) Membership fee: R2 750 per year